

  • Portfolio Rationalization

  • Digital Marketing

  • ERP Business Architect
    and Functional Design

  • Enterprise Marketing Platform - Buy vs. Build Assessment

  • Scrum Master and Product Owner

  • Business Process Modeling


Portfolio Rationalization

for Microsoft Premier Services which drove savings of $15M+ annually by applying ICE (integrate, consolidate, eliminate) approach, ADKAR, and global listening system.


Digital Marketing

for Microsoft Services organization by designing editorial calendar, thought leadership whitepapers across different industries, conducting ABM (account-based marketing), and promoting the content via social channels in driving customer engagement.


ERP Business Architect
and Functional Design

led a team of consultants on as-is to to-be design for a $3B business acting as PMO, Requirements Creator & Validator, and UAT Tester.  Led monthly business reviews and quarterly Steer Committee.


Enterprise Marketing Platform Buy vs. Build Assessment

for Microsoft Office Marketing - conducted side to side vendor systems & roadmap analysis in developing decision matrix framework & recommendation for Steer Committee on buy versus build decision. 


Scrum Master and
Product Owner

for a Customer Relationship Management solution (built on Azure) reaching 165+ NSAT by leading a global team of 20 technologists and acting as development vendor lead (created the RFP, facilitated the selection process, led the contract negotiation, supported vendor onboarding, and managed vendor performance/KPIs).  


Business Process Modeling

with eTom for a $3B business in driving next generation process maturity, validity, and alignment framework – evaluated 200+ processes and drove $2M annual savings.
